Lettie Lane Presents Her Most Beautiful Doll

 The Doll That Has Come to Life

Lettie Lane Presents Her Most Beautiful Doll to Every Little Journal Girl
The Daisy doll was created as a premium for selling subscriptions to the Ladies Home Journal in 1911.  For 3 subscriptions plus $4.50 you could order a Daisy doll. This campaign was a huge success! 

Originally 5,000 dolls were ordered. When the campaign was ended 26,000 dolls had been ordered and distributed! The first 5,000 dolls were made by the JD Kestner doll company in Germany.  This doll was a Kestner 171 head with a composition body.  the next 21,000 were made by Simon and Halbig and marked Heirich/Handwerck Germany 1.

On the top left is my Daisyette by Suzanne McBrayer. She is a Kestner Reproduction. On the top right is my Daisyette by Beth Golding. She is a Handwerck Reproduction. Daisyette's are on a Bleuette size body.

On the bottom left is my antique Handwerck Daisy and on the bottom right is my antique Kestner Daisy wearing a lovely vintage Wedding Gown.